Sunday, June 24, 2012

Bali Luxury Trip Part 12 - Seawalker Sanur, Bali

Seawalker.. what a nice experience i ever have.. ^^
Lady!! dont worry about your make up.. cos your head won't be wet all the way.. heheheh ^^
There are 2 location in Bali provides activity Seawalker.. I chose Seawalker Sanur as i feel the sea in Sanur more clean compare to Nusa Dua.. :)

Wearing a Helmet then walking on seabed.. have you try it before?? Yes.. i'm.. ^^

no need other equipment, just a helmet.. ^^

a lot of fish swimming around you~~ it's amazing~~ ^^

What you can do next??? Feed the fish?? of course!!

Taking photo??? Yup!!! you can bring your own camera, make sure it's waterproof up to 20 feets or more..  :) or you can buy your photo with the staff.. which cost you USD8 per photo.. lolzz... luckly i have my own one.. heheheh ^^

can we dance with the fish??~ sure!!

What else we can do?? enjoy all the nature nice coral~ :)

what else?? enjoy photo shooting~ :p

around 30min inside the sea.. then bring back a lot of happiness and unforgotten memories~ ^^

A video recorded here~ hehe~ ^^

one more entry to go for Bali luxury trip~ see you~ ^^

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